
Saturday 12 October 2019

Escape Rooms

Yesterday I went and spend the time with my Aunt and cousin and we went to the escape rooms at Botany and it was very frustrating because we were thinking very to hard but it was fun, so we went in a room and the topic was Sabotage and that is about soldiers and we had to unlock some lockers with number pins on it and it was hard we figured some out and their was only 1 locker left but we didn't make it but we got poles so we added them together to get the office key from this little hole so we ended up getting it so we unlocked this other room and it was an office. We were going through computers and we ended up getting it all right then it showed up a code so we tried that on the last locker and it worked and it had 1 key so their was a closet we unlocked it and their was nothing in it and we were like what? my aunt told me to push it and I pushed it so hard and it opened and that was the escape and it was funny because we were like OMG we can't believe we are out!
Image result for escape room

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