
Wednesday 29 August 2018


In room 9 we chose our own favorite  drink then we had a cup of sugar and we had to pour some sugar to a bag and we had to guess how much sugar is in our drink that we chose i thought there was 12 teaspoons of sugar in up and go.

Monday 27 August 2018


 On Friday my class went on a big van that had a giraffe in it and a lady called 

We learnt about body
parts and how to look after 
our precious bodies

 Also we learnt what the body parts do and what they produce. And we learnt how to grow. It was so fun because we got to pick a color and the van turned that color that we picked.

We learned what sugar does in your body and also we learnt about how you get a headache and what is inside of our bodies

               My teacher choosed 1 boy and a girl to x ray there body. Paris was the girl and we checked her heart and kidney. The boy was Demetrius and we checked his tummy.                     

 We played cool and exciting games that made us more enthusiastic and the game we played was a clapping game and a eye game.

                                             Then we sang Harold is cool gangster healthy rap.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Film Festival

In Room 9 we picked our groups for our film festival. Then we got an sheet that we had to write our plan and what our film was about. My group was called Helping New Students the story is about a new student goes into her classroom then a helper comes and helps her and tells her what our values are and shows her around the school.

Friday 17 August 2018


In my class we had to answer questions about the teacher strike and we had to make a poster and here is my work

Thursday 2 August 2018


In the holidays I went to my aunties house with my brother and sister. Then our auntie told us to go have a shower so I went shower first then it was my brother is turn. After showering we got ready and left the house in my papa is van to Gravity. After gravity we went to the bowling place at Manukau. Then we ate some fish and chips after that we went to the sensory maze at the city near the golfing rage. When we first went in the maze it was scary because the ground was shaking and we went in to a mirror room and we were lost I lost my brother because I was next to him. I was about to cry because I hit the mirrors heaps of times with my face. Then we went to a room that we stood on a machrice and there was a doll. It was so fun I like to thank my aunt and her sister.