
Monday 29 June 2020

School Disco!

On Friday Glen Taylor School performed a Disco because we are fundraising for SPCA! . I walked into the hall and I see people, chairs and a whole set of speakers plugged into a mac book. As soon as it hit 5:30 the lights shutdown and they blowed up loud music. Glen Taylor started dancing,jumping, shouting and most of all making moves! .   When I went into Disco all I went for was the sausage sizzles, I went and danced with my friends then felt hungry and ate again then I was full. I danced my real hard because  had FUN! Thanks to the Head Students and the school!

Wednesday 24 June 2020


In Room 13 we had to pick a country starting with our first letter in our name and my letter is C so I picked Cambodia. I asked Mr Sok who is Cambodian about what they do and what are some traditional things they wear or eat. I was surprised because they don't care about anyone's birthday!


Yesterday my writing group in class (Parenthesis 3A) we did an activity called Wordfoto. We have to take a picture of something and make a googles drawing about the thing you took a photo of but you have to summaries about it and think of 10-12 words about the object or picture you took.

Tech (Skeletons and Bones)

Today at Technology we learnt about Bones and Skeletons for Topic 5! . First we learnt about the common names and the Scientific names. I enjoyed doing tech because we learnt about the human body but the bones and our muscles! . We looked at actual bones like from the animals or some made out of clay or wood. 
Kids' Health - Topics - Your bones

Monday 22 June 2020

Listen 2 Reading

For Listen 2 Reading I watched a video about the goddess of Tonga which is Hikule'o! . It was so surprising when I was watching it because i thought in my mind the whole time that Hikule'o was a male. I enjoyed watching it and the ancient Tongan legends!

Sunday 21 June 2020

Egypt Crown

This is my Egypt crown that I made and it was fun because I used most of the gels and mostly everything! My crown represents the pyramid but a tall and pointy pyramid! . I got this idea from the internet but my version is gold but the actual crown is red and white but I just wanted to be different!. I also liked Annitah's one because it looked like a snake and it was pretty creative!

Ancient Egyptian writing

This is my writing I did for Ancient Egypt (information report) and this is my writing that I did! . I chose a topic and it was Mummification, Rm 13 had to pick subtopics that go with it and my one was Sarcophagus, Canopic Jars and the process!. Enjoy!!

Saving Energy (Tech)

In Tech we learnt about the same thing but we went to a different level because we used a voltmeter! . It was hard because we had so many wires and we didn't know where to plug it in. Then Ben, Joseph and Tj got it even with the voltmeter!. Me,Jane,Tali and Harry was confused until we got it in the end . Then we learnt about the light bulbs which are LED, Incandescent and CFL.
Different Types of Light Bulbs « Inhabitat – Green Design ...

Monday 15 June 2020

lesson 8 (Hieroglyphics and Papyrus)

For Lesson number 8 we learnt about Hieroglyphics and Papyrus. Hieroglyphics is how the Egyptians do there letters and numbers like ABC and 123. It started from the Greeks because an Egyptian person was digging near the Nile River until he felt something that was hard and it was a Rosetta Stone which is a Stone that had Greek hieroglyphics and some Egyptian words!

My Number Of the Day Work

Today I went and helped my class mates with there art work which was a big job so we missed out on Maths so now I decided to do Work and our task was to do Number Of The Day!. Our number was 284 and it was hard a little because there were some words that I haven't seen before so I searched it up and now I'm still learning about such as Prime and Composite!

Lesson 5! (Ancient Egypt)

For Lesson 5 we learnt about the religious and what the Egyptians believe in. The thing that popped up into my mine that I learnt and that was actually interesting ans scary is that they believe in afterlife and the most interesting thing is that when you die you go to a God which is the God Of Death so they weigh your heart and if your heart is light and they know its filled with good behaviors that mean you will live forever in the afterlife. And if you  heart i weigh heavy, dark and has bad behaviors they will eat your heart and you won't live happily in the afterlife!

Lesson 7 (Ancient Egypt)

As you know Rm 13 has been going big about learning about The Ancient Egyptians. This is my work that we did about pyramids (Lesson 7). I learnt that there are different types of pyramid and the one that I didn't know about was the Step Pyramids. Because when you look far away from the pyramids it looks just fat but when you go closer its a step pyramid. Also we learnt about where there located!

Sunday 14 June 2020


today I decided to do some IXL about percentages because I have been learning about from BEDMAS and BEDMAS is a maths order that you can remember from so the B stands for brackets, E exponents, D divisions, M multiplication, A addition and S is for Subtraction!

Kahoot (Solar System)

Since Next week we are learning about The Solar System Mrs Fonua decided to do a Kahoot about to see if we have experimented and learned about the Solar System! . I'm so happy because I was second and I remembered some of the answers from when we learnt about it last year!. Sage was 1st Then I was 2nd and Soane was 3rd so well done Sage and Soane!

Kahoot (Ancient Egypt)

Room 13 did a Kahoot about Ancient Egypt because we have been learning about it for 1 week and it's so interesting and cool to learn about the past. Mrs Fonua said the student whoever comes first gets to have a Kit Kat ice cream and the winner was Anittah then the second student got a big packet of chocolate and then the 3rd student got a normal chocolate from the treat box!.

Glen Taylor School Reuniting!!

On Friday G.T.S reunited by meeting all together in level 1 as a school for the first time!!. It was so good seeing everyone together because its been quite a long time. The teachers did their own item and Mrs Fonua did a item about greetings and it was a song that our whole school learnt. It was beautiful but i forgot the song (sorry).
Curriculum | glen-taylor-school

Egyptian Art

On Friday Room 13 had a session of doing Egyptian Art! . So we got to pick what we wanted to do so Mrs Fonua made a slide with videos that can guide us if we pick that activity. I chose to make a Sarcophagus out of paper masher and it turned out well now i'm waiting for tomorrow to see how it dried out and how it looks. I liked how Sage was making a whole head of a Jackal also how Sheila and Felicia and others made Canopic Jars. 

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Saving Power

Today at tech we learnt about how we save power at home and place and things we use that includes power. Then we got a battery and a switch that had a light bulb on but the light bulb was not on so we had to figure out how to turn it on so me, Jane and Maia got 2 wires and placed it in the battery then we got the other ends of the wire and placed it into the switch then the light lit up. It was easy but it was fun doing it!

Earth Worms

Last Week at tech we learnt about Earth Worms and we learnt about how they live and what they do well there in the ground. Something I learnt about Earth worms is that there was 27 different species in the U.K I wonder how many species are in New Zealand.
Natural Capital Coalition | Why Conserving Earthworms is 'More ...

Ancient Egypt

We have been learning about Ancient Egypt and this is my learning about Mummification!

Tuesday 2 June 2020


Our Escape of being lonely with the Mummy!